Source code for photomosaic.photomosaic

import glob
import json
import warnings
import copy
import os
from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import partial
from tqdm import tqdm
import colorspacious
import numpy as np
from skimage import draw, img_as_float
from import imread, imsave
from skimage.transform import resize
from skimage.color import gray2rgb
from skimage.util import crop
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
from scipy.cluster import vq
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

options = {'imread': {},
           'perceptual': {"name": "J'a'b'",
                          "ciecam02_space": colorspacious.CIECAM02Space.sRGB,
                          "luoetal2006_space": colorspacious.CAM02UCS},
           'rgb': 'sRGB1'}

[docs]def set_options(imread=None, perceptual=None, rgb=None, flickr_api_key=None): """ Set global options Parameters ---------- imread : dict keyword arguments passed through to every call to ``imread`` e.g., ``{'plugin': 'matplotlib'}`` perceptual : string or dict perceptually-uniform colorspace used for color comparisions; see colorspacious documentation for details rgb : string or dict specific RGB colorspace used for color conversion flickr_api_key : string API key used by module """ global options if imread is not None: options['imread'].update(imread) if perceptual is not None: options['perceptual'] = perceptual if rgb is not None: options['rgb'] = rgb if flickr_api_key is not None: options['flickr_api_key'] = flickr_api_key
[docs]def basic_mosaic(image, pool, grid_dims, *, mask=None, depth=0): """ Make a mosaic in one step with some basic settings. See documentation (or the source code of this function) for more powerful features and customization. Parameters ---------- image : array pool : dict-like output from :func:`make_pool`; or any mapping of arguments for opening an image file to a vector characterizing it: e.g., ``{(filename,): [1, 2, 3]}`` grid_dims : tuple Number of tiles along height, width. mask : array or None, optional must have same shape as ``image`` depth : int, optional Each tile can be subdividing this many times in regions of high contrast or along mask edges (if applicable). Default is 0. Returns ------- mosaic : array Examples -------- Before making the mosaic, you need a collection of images to use as tiles. A collection of analyzed images is a "pool". Analyzing the images takes much more time that making the mosaic, so it is a separate step. >>> pool = make_pool('directory_of_images/*.jpg') Load an image to turn into mosaic. >>> from import imread, imsave >>> my_image = imread('my_image.jpg') Make the mosaic and save it. >>> mosaic = basic_mosaic(my_image, pool, (15, 15)) >>> imsave('my_mosaic.jpg', mosaic) """ # Size the image to be evenly divisible by the tiles. image = img_as_float(image) image = rescale_commensurate(image, grid_dims, depth) if mask is not None: mask = rescale_commensurate(mask) # Use perceptually uniform colorspace for all analysis. converted_img = perceptual(image) # Adapt the color palette of the image to resemble the palette of the pool. adapted_img = adapt_to_pool(converted_img, pool) # Partition the image into tiles and characterize each one's color. tiles = partition(adapted_img, grid_dims=grid_dims, mask=mask, depth=depth) tile_colors = [np.mean(adapted_img[tile].reshape(-1, 3), 0) for tile in tqdm(tiles, desc='analyzing tiles')] # Match a pool image to each tile. match = simple_matcher(pool) matches = [match(tc) for tc in tqdm(tile_colors, desc='matching')] # Draw the mosaic. canvas = np.ones_like(image) # white canvas same shape as input image return draw_mosaic(canvas, tiles, matches)
[docs]def perceptual(image): """ Convert color from RGB (sRGB1) to a perceptually uniform colorspace. This is a convenience function wrapping ``colorspacious.csapce_convert``. To configure the specific perceptual colorspace used, change ``photomosaic.options['colorspace']``. Parameters ---------- image : array """ return colorspacious.cspace_convert(image, options['rgb'], options['perceptual'])
[docs]def rgb(image, clip=True): """ Convert color from a perceptually uniform colorspace to RGB. This is a convenience function wrapping ``colorspacious.csapce_convert``. To configure the specific perceptual colorspace used, change ``photomosaic.options['perceptual']`` and ``photomosaic.options['rgb']``. Parameters ---------- image : array clip : bool, option Clip values out of the gamut [0, 1]. True by default. """ result = colorspacious.cspace_convert(image, options['perceptual'], options['rgb']) if clip: result = np.clip(result, 0, 1) return result
[docs]def adapt_to_pool(image, pool, mask=None): """ Adjust the color timing of an image to use colors available in the pool. For meaningful results, ``image`` and ``pool`` must be in the same colorspace. This is a convenience function wrapping ``color_palette`` and ``palette_map``. Parameters ---------- image : array pool : dict mask : array or None, optional must have same shape as ``image`` Returns ------- adapted_image : array Examples -------- If the image is RGB, first convert to perceptual space. Finally, before visualizing, convert back. >>> rgb(adapt_to_pool(perceptual(image), pool) """ image_palette = color_palette(image, mask=mask) pool_palette = color_palette(list(pool.values())) return palette_map(image_palette, pool_palette)(image)
[docs]def rescale_commensurate(image, grid_dims, depth=0): """ For given grid dimensions and grid subdivision depth, scale image. The image is rescaled so that its shape can be evenly split into tiles. If necessary, one dimension is cropped to fit. Parameters ---------- image : array grid_dims : tuple Number of tiles along height, width. depth : int, optional Each tile can be subdivided this many times. Default is 0. Returns ------- rescaled_image : array """ factor = np.array(grid_dims) * 2**depth new_shape = [int(factor[i] * np.ceil(image.shape[i] / factor[i])) for i in [0, 1]] return crop_to_fit(image, new_shape)
[docs]def sample_pixels(image, size, replace=True): """ Randomly sample pixels from an image. This is a wrapper around ``np.random.choice`` (which only works directly on 1-dimensional arrays). Parameters ---------- image : array size : int number of pixels to sample replace : boolean, optional whether to sample with or without replacement; default True """ pixels = image.reshape(-1, image.shape[-1]) random_indexes = np.random.choice(len(pixels), size=size, replace=replace) return pixels[random_indexes]
[docs]def dominant_color(pixels, n_clusters=5): """ Cluster colors and identify the "central" color of the largest cluster. Parameters ---------- pixels : array List of pixels. The second axis is expected to be the color axis. n_clusters : int, optional number of clusters; default 5 Returns ------- dominant_color : array """ colors, dist = vq.kmeans(pixels, n_clusters) vecs, dist = vq.vq(pixels, colors) counts, bins = np.histogram(vecs, len(colors)) return colors[counts.argmax()]
[docs]def make_pool(glob_string, *, pool=None, skip_read_failures=True, analyzer=None, sample_size=1000): """ Analyze a collection of images. For each file: (1) Read image. (2) Convert to perceptually-uniform color space. (3) Characterize the colors in the image as a vector. A progress bar is displayed and then hidden after completion. Parameters ---------- glob_string : string a filepath with optional wildcards, like `'*.jpg'` pool : dict-like, optional dict-like data structure to hold results; if None, dict is used skip_read_failures: bool, optional If True (default), convert any exceptions that occur while reading a file into warnings and continue. analyzer : callable, optional Function with signature: ``f(img) -> arr`` where ``arr`` is a vector. The default analyzer is :func:`numpy.mean` along the 0th axis. sample_size : int or None, optional Number of pixels to randomly sample before converting to perceptual colorspace and passing to ``analyzer``; if None, do not subsample. Default is 1000. Returns ------- pool : dict-like mapping arguments for opening file to analyzer's result, e.g.: ``{(filename,): [1, 2, 3]}`` """ if pool is None: pool = {} if analyzer is None: analyzer = partial(np.mean, axis=0) filenames = glob.glob(os.path.expanduser(glob_string)) if not filenames: raise ValueError("No matches found for {}".format(glob_string)) for filename in tqdm(filenames, desc='analyzing pool'): try: raw_image = imread(filename, **options['imread']) image = standardize_image(raw_image) except Exception as err: if skip_read_failures: warnings.warn("Skipping {}; raised exception:\n {}" "".format(filename, err)) continue raise # Subsample before doing expensive color space conversion. if sample_size is not None: sample = sample_pixels(image, sample_size) else: sample = image.reshape(-1, 3) # list of pixels # Convert color to perceptually-uniform color space. converted_sample = perceptual(sample) vector = analyzer(converted_sample) pool[(filename,)] = vector return pool
[docs]def standardize_image(image): """ Ensure that image is float 0-1 RGB with no alpha. Parameters ---------- image : array Returns ------- image : array may or may not be a copy of the original """ image = img_as_float(image) # ensure float scaled 0-1 # If there is no color axis, create one. if image.ndim == 2: image = gray2rgb(image) # Assume last axis is color axis. If alpha channel exists, drop it. if image.shape[-1] == 4: image = image[:, :, :-1] return image
[docs]def simple_matcher_unique(pool, limit=1): """ Build a matching function that matches to the closest color not yet used. It maintains an internal copy of the pool to track which items have been used. Parameters ---------- pool : dict limit : integer Number of instances of each pool image allowed. Default is 1 (unique). Returns ------- match_func : function function that accepts a color vector and returns a match """ pool = OrderedDict(pool) total = len(pool) instances = dict.fromkeys(pool, 0) def match(vector): """ Return the key of the "nearest" unused pool image. Parameters ---------- vector : array characterizing the color to be matched Returns ------- args : tuple arguments that specify how to open the image """ if len(pool) < 2: raise RuntimeError("All but one of the {total} pool images have " "been used.".format(total=total)) args = list(pool.keys()) data = np.array([vector for vector in pool.values()]) tree = cKDTree(data) distance, index = tree.query(vector, k=1) key = args[index] instances[key] += 1 if instances[key] == limit: pool.pop(key) # Remove this tile from our local copy of pool. return key return match
[docs]def simple_matcher(pool): """ Build a matching function that simply matches to the closest color. It maintains an internal tree representation of the pool for fast lookups. Parameters ---------- pool : dict Returns ------- match_func : function function that accepts a color vector and returns a match """ pool = OrderedDict(pool) # same iteration order over keys and vals below args = list(pool.keys()) data = np.array([vector for vector in pool.values()]) tree = cKDTree(data) def match(vector): """ Return the key of the pool image that is "nearest" (in color space). Parameters ---------- vector : array characterizing the color to be matched Returns ------- args : tuple arguments that specify how to open the image """ distance, index = tree.query(vector, k=1) return args[index] return match
[docs]def draw_mosaic(image, tiles, matches, scale=1, resized_copy_cache=None): """ Assemble the mosaic, the final result. Parameters ---------- image : array the "canvas" on which to draw the tiles, modified in place tiles : list list of pairs of slice objects matches : list for each tile in ``tiles``, a tuple of arguments for opening the matching image file scale : int, optional Scale up tiles for higher resolution image; default is 1. Any not-integer input will be cast to int. resized_copy_cache : dict or None, optional cache of images from the pool, sized to fit tiles entries look like: ``(pool_key, (height, width))`` Returns ------- image : array Examples -------- Basic usage: >>> draw_mosaic(image, tiles, matches) Cache the resized pool images to speed up repeated drawings: >>> cache = {} # any mutable mapping >>> draw_mosiac(image, tiles, matches, resized_copy_cache=cache) The above populated ``cache`` with every resized pool image used in a tile. Now, ``draw_mosaic`` will check the cache before loading the pool image and resizing it, which is the most expensive step. >>> draw_mosiac(image, tiles, matches, resized_copy_cache=cache) """ scale = int(scale) if resized_copy_cache is None: resized_copy_cache = {} for tile, match_args in zip(tqdm(tiles, desc='drawing mosaic'), matches): if scale != 1: tile = tuple(slice(scale * s.start, scale * s.stop) for s in tile) target_shape = _tile_shape(tile) cache_key = (match_args, target_shape) try: sized_match_image = resized_copy_cache[cache_key] except KeyError: target_shape = _tile_shape(tile) raw_match_image = imread(*match_args, **options['imread']) match_image = standardize_image(raw_match_image) sized_match_image = crop_to_fit(match_image, target_shape) resized_copy_cache[cache_key] = sized_match_image image[tile] = sized_match_image return image
def _subdivide(tile): "Create four tiles from the four quadrants of the input tile." tile_dims = [(s.stop - s.start) // 2 for s in tile] subtiles = [] for y in (0, 1): for x in (0, 1): subtile = (slice(tile[0].start + y * tile_dims[0], tile[0].start + (1 + y) * tile_dims[0]), slice(tile[1].start + x * tile_dims[1], tile[1].start + (1 + x) * tile_dims[1])) subtiles.append(subtile) return subtiles
[docs]def partition(image, grid_dims, mask=None, depth=0, split_thresh=10): """ Parition the target image into tiles. Optionally, subdivide tiles that straddle a mask edge or contain high contrast, creating a grid with tiles of varied size. Parameters ---------- image : array grid_dims : int or tuple number of (largest) tiles along each dimension mask : array or None, optional Tiles that straddle a mask edge will be subdivided, creating a smooth edge. depth : int, optional Default is 0. Maximum times a tile can be subdivided. split_thresh : float or None, optional Threshold of standard deviation in color above which tile should be subdivided. This only applies if depth > 0. The (somewhat arbitrary) default is 10; a lower value leads to more aggressive splitting. Returns ------- tiles : list list of pairs of slice objects """ # Validate inputs. image = np.atleast_3d(np.asarray(image)) if isinstance(grid_dims, int): tile_dims, = 2 * (grid_dims,) for i in (0, 1): image_dim = image.shape[i] grid_dim = grid_dims[i] if image_dim % grid_dim*2**depth != 0: raise ValueError("Image dimensions must be evenly divisible by " "dimensions of the (subdivided) grid. " "Dimension {image_dim} is not " "evenly divisible by {grid_dim}*2**{depth} " "".format(image_dim=image_dim, grid_dim=grid_dim, depth=depth)) # Partition into equal-sized tiles. Each tile is a pair of slice objects. tile_height = image.shape[0] // grid_dims[0] tile_width = image.shape[1] // grid_dims[1] tiles = [] total = np.product(grid_dims) with tqdm(total=total, desc='partitioning: depth 0') as pbar: for y in range(grid_dims[0]): for x in range(grid_dims[1]): tile = (slice(y * tile_height, (1 + y) * tile_height), slice(x * tile_width, (1 + x) * tile_width)) tiles.append(tile) pbar.update() # Discard any tiles that reside fully outside the mask. if mask is not None: tiles = [tile for tile in tiles if np.any(mask[tile])] # If depth > 0, subdivide any tiles that straddle a mask edge or that # contain an image with high contrast. num_channels = image.shape[-1] for d in range(1, 1 + depth): new_tiles = [] for tile in tqdm(tiles, desc='partitioning: depth %d' % d): if ((mask is not None) and np.any(mask[tile]) and np.any(~mask[tile])): # This tile straddles a mask edge. subtiles = _subdivide(tile) # Discard subtiles that reside fully outside the mask. subtiles = [tile for tile in subtiles if np.any(mask[tile])] new_tiles.extend(subtiles) continue if split_thresh is not None: pixels = image[tile].reshape(-1, num_channels) if np.mean(np.std(pixels, 0)) > split_thresh: # This tile has high color variation. new_tiles.extend(_subdivide(tile)) continue new_tiles.append(tile) tiles = new_tiles return tiles
[docs]def scatter(tiles, margin): """ Randomly nudge the tiles off center within a given margin. Also, shift all tiles in the positive direction by ``margin`` so that no slices are randomly placed < 0. Parameters ---------- tiles : list list of tuples of slices margin : tuple maximum distance off tile center, given as ``(y, x)`` Returns ------- tiles : list a copy; the input is unchaged """ y_margin, x_margin = margin new_tiles = [] for tile in tiles: # random shift + constant shift to ensure positive result dy = np.random.randint(-y_margin, 1 + y_margin) + y_margin dx = np.random.randint(-x_margin, 1 + x_margin) + x_margin new_tiles.append(translate(tile, (dy, dx))) return new_tiles
[docs]def translate(tile, offset): """ Move a tile. This returns a moved copy; the original is unchaged. Parameters ---------- tile : tuple containing y and x slice objects offset : tuple translation, given as ``(y, x)`` Returns ------- tile : tuple a copy; the input is unchaged """ dy, dx = offset y, x = tile new_tile = (slice(y.start + dy, y.stop + dy), slice(x.start + dx, x.stop + dx)) return new_tile
[docs]def pad(tile, padding): """ Shrink a tile in place, leaving a padding. This returns a copy. Parameters ---------- tile : tuple containing y and x slice objects padding : tuple number of pixels to leave along each side, given as ``(y, x)`` Returns ------- tile : tuple a copy; the input is unchaged """ dy, dx = padding y, x = tile new_tile = (slice(y.start + dy, y.stop - dy), slice(x.start + dx, x.stop - dx)) return new_tile
[docs]def color_palette(image, bins=256, mask=None, **kwargs): """ Compute the distribution of each color channel. This wraps ``numpy.histogram``, providing data munging relevant to image array with color channels. See numpy documentation for details on the meaning of the parameters. Parameters ---------- image : array The last axis is expected to be the color axis. bins : int or list default 256; passed through to ``numpy.historgram`` mask : array or None, optional must have same shape as ``image`` kwargs : passed through to ``numpy.histogram`` Returns ------- tuple : ``((counts, bins), (counts, bins), ...)`` -- one pair for color channel """ image = np.asarray(image) num_channels = image.shape[-1] pixels = image.reshape(-1, num_channels) if mask is not None: pixels = pixels[mask.ravel()] results = [] for i in range(num_channels): counts, bin_edges = np.histogram(pixels[:, i], bins=bins, **kwargs) results.append((counts, bin_edges)) return tuple(results)
[docs]def palette_map(old_palette, new_palette): """ Build a function that maps from one color palette onto another. These is wrapper around :func:`hist_map` that applies it to each color channel. Parameters ---------- old_palette: tuple list of histogram arrays ``(count, bins)`` for each color channel new_palette : tuple list of histogram arrays ``(count, bins)`` for each color channel Returns ------- f : function """ # Make a mapping function for each channel. functions = [] for old, new in zip(old_palette, new_palette): f = hist_map(old, new) functions.append(f) # Make a function that applies each mapping function to its channel. def f(image): "Adapt colors in image from old palette to new." image = np.asarray(image) num_channels = image.shape[-1] if num_channels != len(functions): raise ValueError("expected image with {} color channels; this has " "{}".format(len(functions), num_channels)) pixels = image.reshape(-1, num_channels) result = np.empty_like(pixels) for i, f in enumerate(functions): result[:, i] = f(pixels[:, i]) return result.reshape(image.shape) return f
[docs]def hist_map(old_hist, new_hist): """ Build a function that maps from one distribution onto another. Parameters ---------- old_hist : tuple Histogram arrays ``(count, bins)`` like those from ``numpy.histogram``, where bins give edges, such that ``len(bins) == 1 + len(counts)``. new_hist : tuple Histogram arrays ``(count, bins)`` like those from ``numpy.histogram``, where bins give edges, such that ``len(bins) == 1 + len(counts)``. Returns ------- f : function """ old_counts, old_bins = old_hist new_counts, new_bins = new_hist # validate input if 1 + len(old_counts) != len(old_bins): raise ValueError("The input old_hist is invalid. " "Length of bins should be 1 + length of counts") if 1 + len(new_counts) != len(new_bins): raise ValueError("The input new_hist is invalid. " "Length of bins should be 1 + length of counts") # cumulative distribution functions old_cdf = np.insert(np.cumsum(old_counts), 0, 0) / np.sum(old_counts) new_cdf = np.insert(np.cumsum(new_counts), 0, 0) / np.sum(new_counts) def f(arr): """ Rescale values in ``arr`` from old distribution to new. """ # Where in the old cdf did value(s) in arr fall? old_y = np.interp(arr, old_bins, old_cdf) # Find the value at the corresponding position in the new cdf. return np.interp(old_y, new_cdf, new_bins) return f
def _tile_center(tile): "Compute (y, x) center of tile." return tuple((s.stop + s.start) // 2 for s in tile) def _tile_shape(tile): "Compute the (y, x) dimensions of tile." return tuple((s.stop - s.start) for s in tile)
[docs]def draw_tile_layout(image, tiles, color=1): """ Draw the tile edges on a copy of image. Make a dot at each tile center. This is a utility for inspecting a tile layout, not a necessary step in the mosaic-building process. Parameters ---------- image : array tiles : list list of pairs of slices, as generated by :func:`partition` color : int or array value to "draw" onto ``image`` at tile boundaries Returns ------- annotated_image : array """ annotated_image = copy.deepcopy(image) for y, x in tqdm(tiles): edges = ((y.start, x.start, y.stop - 1, x.start), (y.stop - 1, x.start, y.stop - 1, x.stop - 1), (y.stop - 1, x.stop - 1, y.start, x.stop - 1), (y.start, x.stop - 1, y.start, x.start)) for edge in edges: rr, cc = draw.line(*edge) annotated_image[rr, cc] = color # tile edges annotated_image[_tile_center((y, x))] = color # dot at center return annotated_image
[docs]def crop_to_fit(image, shape): """ Return a copy of image resized and cropped to precisely fill a shape. To resize a colored 2D image, pass in a shape with two entries. When ``len(shape) < image.ndim``, higher dimensions are ignored. Parameters ---------- image : array shape : tuple e.g., ``(height, width)`` but any length <= ``image.ndim`` is allowed Returns ------- cropped_image : array """ # Resize smallest dimension (width or height) to fit. d = np.argmin(np.array(image.shape)[:2] / np.array(shape)) enlarged_shape = (tuple(np.ceil(np.array(image.shape[:len(shape)]) * shape[d]/image.shape[d])) + image.shape[len(shape):]) resized = resize(image, enlarged_shape, mode='constant', anti_aliasing=False) # Now the image is as large or larger than the shape along all dimensions. # Crop any overhang in the other dimension. crop_width = [] for actual, target in zip(resized.shape, shape): overflow = actual - target # Center the image and crop, biasing left if overflow is odd. left_margin = np.floor(overflow / 2) right_margin = np.ceil(overflow / 2) crop_width.append((left_margin, right_margin)) # Do not crop any additional dimensions beyond those given in shape. for _ in range(resized.ndim - len(shape)): crop_width.append((0, 0)) cropped = crop(resized, crop_width) return cropped
[docs]def rainbow_of_squares(target_dir, shape=(10, 10), range_params=(0, 256, 15)): """ Generate 5832 small solid-color tiles for experimentation and testing. Parameters ---------- target_dir : string shape : tuple, optional default is (10, 10) range_params : tuple, optional Passed to ``range()`` to stride through each color channel. Default is ``(0, 256, 15)``. """ os.makedirs(target_dir, exist_ok=True) with tqdm(total=3 * len(range(*range_params))) as pbar: canvas = np.ones(shape + (3,)) for r in range(*range_params): for g in range(*range_params): for b in range(*range_params): img = (canvas * [r, g, b]).astype(np.uint8) filename = '{:03d}-{:03d}-{:03d}.png'.format(r, g, b) # imsave warns when saving low-contrast images. with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", ".*low contrast.*") imsave(os.path.join(target_dir, filename), img) pbar.update()
[docs]def export_pool(pool, filepath, abspath=True): """ Export pool to json. This is a thin convenience wrapper around ``json.dump``. The pool is just a dict, but it contains numpy arrays, which must be converted to plain lists before being exported to JSON. Unlike the rest of this package, the export and import functions assume that the pool is keyed on a tuple with a string (e.g., a filepath) as its only element. Parameters ---------- pool : dict filepath : string abspath : boolean, optional Convert pool keys (assumed to be filenames) to absolute paths if True. """ with open(os.path.expanduser(filepath), 'w') as f: json.dump({os.path.abspath(k[0]): list(v) for k, v in pool.items()}, f)
[docs]def import_pool(filepath): """ Import pool from json. This is a thin convenience wrapper around ``json.load``. It puts the data into the expected data structures, which don't directly translate to JSON. Unlike the rest of this package, the export and import functions assume that the pool is keyed on a tuple with a string (e.g., a filepath) as its only element. Parameters ---------- filepath : string Returns ------- pool : dict """ with open(os.path.expanduser(filepath), 'r') as f: return {tuple([k]): np.array(v) for k, v in json.load(f).items()}
[docs]def plot_palette(palette, **kwargs): """ Plot color palette (histograms of each channel). Parameters ---------- palette : tuple color palette, such as created by :func:`color_palette` **kwargs passed through to ``matplotlib.Axes.plot`` Returns ------- lines : line artists created by matplotlib """ fig, axes = plt.subplots(len(palette)) lines = [] for ax, (counts, bins) in zip(axes, palette): bin_centers = np.mean([bins[1:], bins[:-1]], 0) lines.append(ax.plot(bin_centers, counts, **kwargs)) return lines