
You can install photomosiac using pip or from source.

First verify that you have Python 3.5+.

python3 --version

If necessary, install it by your method of choice (apt, Homebrew, conda, etc.).

Installation Using Pip

python3 -m pip install -U photomosaic

Or, to include the optional dependencies for the experimental parallelism features, install:

python3 -m pip install -U photomosaic[parallel]

Development Installation

git clone
cd photomosaic
pip install -e .

Or, to include the optional dependencies for the experimental parallelism features, install:

python3 -m pip install -U -e .[parallel]


For development, you will also want the dependencies for running the tests and building the documentation:

python3 -m pip install -Ur requirements-dev.txt

To run the tests:


These pytest arguments are commonly useful:

  • -v verbose

  • --lf Run only those tests which failed on the last run.

  • -s Do not capture stdout/err per test.

  • -k EXPRESSION Filter tests by pattern-matching test name.

To build the documentation:

make -C doc pools  # Generate tile pools used in documentation.
make -C doc images  # Generate example images used in documentation.
make -C doc html  # Build the documentation.