Release Notes

0.3.1 (21 June 2019)

This release addresses some deprecations in scikit-image, which was issuing warnings.

We now test on Python 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7.

0.3.0 (11 Nov. 2016)


  • Implement histogram mapping to perform tiling in an adaptive color palette.

  • Add ability to subdivide tiles based on local contrast.

  • Add utilities to padding, translating, and randomly scattering tiles relative to their true position.

  • Add a tool for downloading images from Flickr for use as tile pools.

  • Add convenience functions for import/exporting tile pools, plotting palettes, and converting between color spaces.

  • Add alternative implementation of make_pool that runs faster using dask. (More use of dask is planned.)

API Changes

  • Renamed generate_tile_pool to rainbow_of_squares; there may be different tile pool generators in future.

  • Change SimpleMatcher from a class to a closure, simple_matcher.


  • Change license to 3-clause BSD (with signoff from both contributors).

  • Publish sphinx documentation.

  • Run automated unit tests on Travis-CI.

0.2.2 (5 Oct. 2016)

This tag marks a nearly-total rewrite of the project. (Tags v0.2.0 and v0.2.1 have the same code but some build problems with the package.)

0.1.0 (2012)

This tag is maintained for use with legacy scripts, but it is not recommended for new users.